The Process

Making the first contact with us....
When you have decided to have your pet put to sleep at home, please contact us to arrange an appointment time that suits you. Feel free to fill out our online form or call us during office hours.
If talking is too difficult, please use our online form, SMS or email us anytime. Our preference is the online form as it captures the information we need so your appointment runs smoothly.
You have a confirmed appointment...
Once we have received your appointment request we will contact you to confirm your appointment and send some additional information so you know exactly what to expect from our service. If you are able to read this information beforehand it will help you understand the process so it can be as smooth as possible.

When we get to your home.....
When the vet arrives at your home, your pet will be given a sedative to ensure they are as comfortable as possible and prevent any anxiety your pet may have. The vet can then talk about any thoughts you wish to discuss or can give you a moment alone with your pet while they relax.
Once your pet is relaxed the vet or nurse will place an intravenous line (IV line) in your pet's arm if it is a dog or cat. The IV line placement is equivalent to a pinch and the analgesia of the sedative means that many pets do not react at all.
Your pet will then be given anaesthetic medication through the IV line and they will fall asleep in seconds. Once asleep more anaesthetic is continued to be given and your pet will peacefully pass in their sleep.
If an IV line is not able to be placed in your pet's arm (eg. small pets or very unwell pets) a very heavy sedation is given so that they fall asleep. The anaesthetic medication is then given into their stomach area and they will peacefully pass in a few minutes.
You've said your final goodbye.....
Once you have had time time to say goodbye to your pet they will need to be transported to the aftercare of your choice.
Individual cremation services organised by us will arrive at your home at our agreed time (usually at the conclusion of our visit). They will be a separate company so they will be able to answer any questions you may have about their service. In circumstances where the cremation service is unable to attend your home we may be able to organise transportation ourselves (depending on availability) and this will be discussed at the time of booking.
With Forever Farm burial or the group cremation services (with no return of ashes), we will be able to transport your pet ourselves. When in our care, your pet will be treated with the utmost dignity as we would expect for our own beloved pets.
For home burial services (where you are keeping your pet with you to be buried at home) we do not need to organise any transportation for your pet.